Thank you so much in your interest in our cover / collaborate project for Album 4.

Our album crowdfunder runs from Wednesday 19th Feb - Thursday 20th March. We would love your help spreading the word and adding some vibrancy and sparkle to this project.

Here's what you need to do...
1.Learn and Film a Cover of "Good Day" or "This Moment" or both. The video could just be a solo performance, your choir singing it, or you and your friends.
2.Share on Instagram and collaborate with me @LauraLamn on the post (Please share between 19th Feb and 19th March) - If you need help with how to collaborate on a post, give me a shout or ask Google.

Suggested IG post copy:
We love this new song by @LauraLamn and we can't wait for her new album. Show some support and pre-order her music on IndieGoGo! **Campaign closes on 19th March"

Alternatively if you don't use Instagram, you can email or whatsapp me your video and I will share and credit you :-)

Learn the Parts from Good Day
Perfomance of Good Day :

Learn the Parts from This Moment :
Performance of This Moment :

Please feel free to email me with any questions
Thank you so much